2nd Sunday of Lent

The story of the Transfiguration is hard to imagine: standing in the presence of Moses, Elijah, and Our Lord and then descending the mountain to reenter the ordinary routine of life.  Like Peter, who wanted to build three tents, we often struggle with the connection between the transcendent and the mundane. A beautiful mosaic on [...]

Third Sunday of Lent

Depending on whether your parish has an RCIA program, you may hear one of two Gospels this weekend. Cleansing of the Temple Today, standing in the Temple area, we see Jesus cast out the money changers and those selling animals.  He tells them to “stop making my Father’s house a marketplace” (Jn 2:16).  How do [...]

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Depending on whether your parish has an RCIA program, you may hear one of two Gospels this weekend. Nicodemus When Nicodemus asks how he can be born again, Jesus responds that everyone who believes in “the Son of Man will have eternal life” (Jn 3:15) and “whoever lives the truth comes to the light” (Jn [...]

Palm Sunday

In the midst of Jesus’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, there is a simultaneous note of discord.  We can easily imagine the same crowds who shout, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” shouting, “Crucify him!” As we make our way inexorably forward in our mission, what fears do we have that might stop us from committing [...]

Holy Thursday

Today, look at Jesus as He stoops to wash your feet.  He draws near to you.  He knows the paths your feet have trod, the aches, the worries, the missteps, the hesitations.  He takes your foot gently in His hand and you wonder why.  Like Peter, you think it is not right for the Master [...]

Good Friday

In a parallel scene to the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, today Jesus travels through Jerusalem accompanied by crowds.  Instead of praising Him with laud and honor, they shout at Him, curse Him, and urge His captors to crucify Him.  Pope Francis writes “Love is a gift that means giving our lives.”  Jesus leads us in [...]

Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday, there is no Mass or Communion Service during the day.  It is a time of waiting with the disciples.  It is a time of the unknown.  If Jesus has died, what does that mean for us?  If Jesus has died, what does that mean about all that He taught and all that [...]

Easter Sunday

"He is risen as He said." Matthew 28.6 To all our clients, families, staff and friends we wish a Happy Easter.

Sale Into Spring

Franciscan Life Center Campus 267-275 Finch Ave, Meriden, CT, United States

A giant TAG SALE benefitting the Franciscan Life Center and Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care will be held: Saturday, April 17, 2021 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Franciscan Life Center Campus 271 Finch Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 Come and find Furniture, Household Goods, Art, Religious Articles, Baskets, Knitted Items, Jewelry, Sporting Equipment, Electronics, Vintage [...]