Provides Home Safety Assessments Offers Fall Risk Assessments Works to Improve Ambulation Stability/Functional Mobility Increases Physical Endurance Teach Energy Conservation Techniques Evaluate for Safety Equipment Specializes in Parkinson's Disease Treatment Programs
Occupational Therapy
admin2018-06-15T12:03:49-04:00Works to Increase Independence with Activities of Daily Living: Bathing Grooming Dressing Personal Care Needs Eating Toileting Works to Increase Independence with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: Meal Preparation Routine Household Tasks Ability to Use Telephone Laundry Grocery Shopping
Speech Therapy
admin2018-06-01T12:05:29-04:00Corrects Speech or Language Problems Improves Cognition-Communication Strengthens Voice Improves Swallowing Ability
Hospice Care
admin2023-11-15T14:53:23-05:00How may we serve you? Hospice care is available to anyone who: Is diagnosed by a physician with a terminal illness with a limited prognosis, generally six months. Resides in one of the towns served by Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care in either a private home or skilled nursing facility. [...]
Personal Plan of Care
admin2018-06-15T16:57:06-04:00Each patient is an individual with specific, unique needs. Franciscan Hospice Care's interdisciplinary team of caring professionals works with each patient and the family to develop a personal plan of care appropriate to the medical, social, emotional, physical and pastoral needs of the patient. The interdisciplinary team includes the medical director, hospice care director, [...]
Hospice Social Work
Sister Kieran2018-05-22T12:36:01-04:00A licensed clinical social worker is available for assisting the patient, caregivers and family members to live as fully as possible during the patient's preparation for end of life.
Hospice Nursing
Sister Kieran2018-06-01T12:12:10-04:00Franciscan Hospice Care nurses are professionals who hold to the highest standard of care for each patient. Beyond their training as general care nurses, they are experienced in the care of hospice patients and continue to update their knowledge in the field through education. Hospice nurses are alert to the special needs of each [...]
Pastoral Care
admin2018-06-14T16:47:59-04:00Every effort is made by Franciscan Hospice Care to provide spiritual support to patients during their time of preparation for the ultimate reality of death. Whatever the patient’s religious affiliation might be, Franciscan Hospice Care is available to invite a recognized religious pastor of that persuasion to visit the patient and provide spiritual encouragement, [...]
Hospice Volunteers
admin2024-03-26T14:44:23-04:00Becoming a hospice volunteer is a rewarding opportunity to journey with someone in the latter portion of their life. Franciscan hospice volunteers receive 16 hours of training that enables them to be present to others in a very special way in order to support both the individual and their family through a difficult time. [...]
admin2018-05-22T12:37:02-04:00Bereavement support is initiated with the start of hospice to gather pertinent information that will help provided adequate care to family and friends for at least one year after the patient’s death. Franciscan Hospice Care delivers this assistance with a team of individuals who make regular visits, calls and personalized mailings to help integrate [...]