During the Month of November, the Church remembers those who have died and our Country celebrates National Home Care and Hospice Care Month. Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care Lights the Way during this month and again during the Christmas season in memory of those who died and those who have died this year in our hospice care program. The trees in memory of those who have died will remain lit until November 28, 2021, and again during Christmas, December 25, 2021, to the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 2022.

Depicted are a few of the trees and bushes lit during the Lighting the Way ceremony to remember and honor hospice care patients who died during the year.

Hospice volunteers presented candles to families of loved ones who had been served by Franciscan Hospice Care during the year. From left, Barbara Morrison, Sandra David, BJ Raby, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator. Susan Pier, Christine Bolio and Judy Kupstis.