Hospice Care Interdisciplinary Team

How can we serve you?

Hospice care is available to anyone who:

  • Is diagnosed by a physician with a terminal illness with a limited prognosis, generally six months.

  • Resides in one of the towns served by Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care in either a private home or skilled nursing facility.

  • Desires a palliative approach to symptom management.

  • Is referred by the physician, the patient, family, friends, clergy, or agency personnel.

What Levels of Hospice Care are available?

There are four levels of hospice care available from Medicare Hospice Benefit because patients require different intensities of care during the course of their disease.

Bereavement support is initiated with the start of hospice to gather pertinent information that will help provided adequate care to family and friends for at least one year after the patient’s death. Franciscan Hospice Care delivers this assistance with a team of individuals who make regular visits, calls and personalized mailings to help integrate the loss experienced by those who remain.